This article is about the unexpected ways that I've drastically lost weight. It's actually a little strange that I'm creating this since I've spent most of my life trying to gain pounds. But there are more people attempting to lose weight than gain it. Hopefully, this will help those trying to shed weight.

Cut out _______

Sugar is apparently bad for you in numerous ways: your teeth, your well being, your skin. So I decided to cut sugar out of my life for some time. It was not of which hard, which was surprising since I have a sweet tooth. I lost some fat, which I didn't will do but should have anticipated. After all, I was cutting out a kind of caloric-rich food. So if you are trying to lose weight and are in the particular habit of eating lots of sweets, try giving way up sugar.

Or try reducing whatever type of food is the best Achilles' heel. My sibling, who goes on the casual diet, once joked that she could become a vegetarian if she failed to love steak so considerably. She also loves pudding, alfredo marinade, and other rich, greasy foods. Maybe you like to put sour cream about everything. Or maybe you like to make all your sweets a la mode. Try giving up the food item that you think you can't stay without.

Walk to _______

Work. I lost a great deal of weight when I walked to function. In the mornings, your bus only came simply by my apartment in one-hour time intervals, which meant arriving in the office ridiculously early. I chose to walk. Since I'm also a huge procrastinator, getting out of bed in the last possible minute, that often meant thirty minutes of power-walking.

I've seen similar advice on losing weight in tiny ways, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking within the space that is farthest from the office in order to force oneself to walk through the parking lot to get at work. These are little steps you can take that eventually mount up and make a positive change. Or you could take a weekend errand that an individual usually accomplish by car and tend to walk there.

Stick to _______

your budget, or grocery list, or meal plan, or diet. Want to know a really great way to lose weight? Lose your job. Nothing forces you to stick to your meal plan like limited funds. Not only will you lose weight, your savings and self-esteem will go down with it. I call it the recession diet.

Or you can take the less drastic approach and place restrictions on yourself. Stick to your grocery list and don't buy any extra snacks. If you use cash, only bring enough to pay for the groceries you were planning to buy. Make a plan and stick to it. That goes for any diet or budget you want to make successful.

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